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Should the United States continue funding international organizations such as the United Nations even if other countries do not contribute as much but benefit from its work?

Should the United States continue funding international organizations such as the United Nations even if other countries do not contribute as much but benefit from its work?

American Foreign Policy


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Chapter 18 talks about American foreign policy, which is without a doubt, a very complex subject. The nature and dynamics of international relations are not an easy subject. The world changed drastically after the terrorists attacks of 9/11 and today we face many threats. International relations have many players, many interests, many fragile situations and many challenges and therefore, today more than ever, it’s very important to be informed about what happens outside our shores. In a world where the concept of globalization is king, every event that happens in any part of the world affects us some way or another.

 This forum has 2 parts. Create a new thread for your initial post. ◦In the subject area write down your first and last name only. ◦Each of your answers in each of the parts must be written in small paragraphs of 5-7 complete and well-written sentences. Use good spelling, good grammar, and good word choice. ◦Use good spacing between paragraphs. Do not write everything in one long paragraph, you will lose points if you do.

Part I

1. If you had to choose between having a strong economy and a weak military or having a weak economy and a strong military, which would you choose? (Note: answers like ‘it depends’; ‘a little bit of both’ will not be accepted. I know it’s hard but you must pick one and explain why in detail.)

2. Do you think the United States has a moral responsibility to spread our political/economic/cultural values throughout the world? If so, how should it be done? If not, why not? List 3 advantages and 3 disadvantages of trying to spread our values.

3. What constitutes ‘a threat’ to American interests? Describe 3 specific scenarios that would make war permissible.

4. In your opinion, should the United States start a war if there is an imminent threat of being attacked ourselves? List 3 advantages and 3 disadvantages of doing acting preemptively.

5. In recent years, the American armed forces have been called on to perform duties that are more humanitarian than militaristic, such as aiding countries after an earthquake or hurricane. Should we continue to come to the aid of countries living circumstances like these or should that be left to private relief agencies such as the Red Cross? Yes? No? Why? Explain your answer.

6. Who do you believe should have jurisdiction if an American soldier is arrested in another country by the local police and charged with raping a foreign woman? Why? Explain your answer.

a) Incarcerate the soldier and let the local police in the country where the crime was committed hear his case.

b) Bring the soldier back to the U.S. and let his case be heard by the U.S Supreme Court.

c). Incarcerate the soldier in the country where he committed the crime and let the International Court of Justice hear his case (the International Court of Justice is part of the United Nations.)

d ) Bring the soldier back to the U.S. and let his case be heard by the U.S. Military Court that has jurisdiction over that branch of the military.

7. Should the United States continue funding international organizations such as the United Nations even if other countries do not contribute as much but benefit from its work? Yes? No? Why? Explain your answer.

8. If a cure for COVID19 is discovered in another country, should the United States government allow its citizens to acquire it even if it does not have the approval from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) nor the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)? Yes? No? Why? Explain your answer.


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