This is a write-up of ice experiments that you conduct using the scientific method. You are going to design and conduct your own experiments to answer two scientific questions that are provide about ice melt and sea level rise.
Please listen to the video for all the details related to the work-
Please include at least 2 photos.
Reminder – the work should be approximately 1,000 words . Here is a breakdown of approximate length of each section. Please use these headers in the work:
• Purpose (including question you are addressing) – 100 words
• Background (information from your research) – 300 words
• Hypotheses and Predictions (model after examples) – 100 words
• Materials and Experiment (set up and conducting) – 150 words
• Data and Observations (what happened with ice melt) – 150 words
• Analysis and Conclusions (answers to the questions) – 200 words
• References (include at lease two references) – APA/MLA; not part of word count
Also, Please Find Attached, additional details for the work to be done