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What alternative treatments for menopausal symptoms will you discuss with Ms. Martin?

What alternative treatments for menopausal symptoms will you discuss with Ms. Martin?

For this assignment, you will review the latest evidence based guidelines as they pertain to the case below. Discussion of the case is based on the course objectives and weekly content, which emphasize the core learning objectives for an evidence-based primary care curriculum. Throughout your nurse practitioner program, case study discussions are used to promote the development of clinical reasoning through the use of ongoing assessments and diagnostic skills, and to develop patient care plans that are grounded in the latest clinical guidelines and evidence-based practice.

Ms. Martin is a 55-year-old woman who has been on HRT for 4 years. HRT was prescribed because Ms. Martin was experiencing vasomotor symptoms associated with menopause. Her last mammogram was 2 years ago and last pap was 5 years ago. Ms. Martin made an appointment with her nurse practitioner to discuss discontinuing HRT after hearing and reading news reports about the dangers associated with the medication. Except for the HRT, Ms. Martin is taking no medication other than a daily vitamin. She had a tubal ligation after the birth of her third child but has had no other surgeries or history of any medical conditions. Her father had cardiovascular disease and died of a myocardial infarction at 77 years of age. Her mother was diagnosed with breast cancer at 81 years of age. Ms. Martin does not smoke and rarely drinks alcohol. She likes to work in her garden but is not involved in a formal exercise program. She has gained about 10 pounds since menopause.

  • What evidence-based information will you provide to Ms. Martin regarding her concerns of HRT? Discuss the advantages and risks associated with HRT.
  • What are your recommendations for Ms. Martin? Will you recommend continuing or discontinuing HRT and why?
  • What alternative treatments for menopausal symptoms will you discuss with Ms. Martin?
  • Discuss the recommended screening tests, using the latest evidence based guidelines that Ms. Martin should have.
  • What health promotion, maintenance, and prevention education would be important to provide to Ms. Martin?


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