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What did you like about the verbal and non-verbal messages you saw and heard?

What did you like about the verbal and non-verbal messages you saw and heard?

Unit 3 Discussion: Combining Verbal and Non-Verbal Communication

Unit 3 Discussion: Combining Verbal and Non-Verbal Communication

This unit discusses verbal and non-verbal communication. Be sure you have read chapters 5 and 6 in your textbook before completing this assignment so you understand what are examples of verbal and non-verbal communication. For this discussion board:

· First, watch the Free Hugs video and then read the article about Free Hugs. Both links are in Readings and Resources.

· What did you like about the verbal and non-verbal messages you saw and heard?

· Consider how your interpretation of the video changed after reading the article.

· Describe two situations in your own life (one verbal and one non-verbal) where you feel that you have communicated poorly.

· Refer to specific information given in the text, videos, and web pages to discuss how you could have enhanced your communication in the situations you described.

· Respond to at least two classmates’ posts.

Readings and Resources

Readings and Resources


Wood, J.T. (2017).  Communication in our lives (8th ed.).  Stamford, CT: Cengage Learning.

· Chapter 5: The Verbal Dimension of Communication (pp. 90-106).

· Chapter 6: The Non-Verbal Dimension of Communication (pp. 110-130).

Articles, Websites, and Videos:

This is a webpage explaining the hug video. It helps you draw out even more meaning from the video, further highlighting the power of words and context.

· (n.d.).  Sometimes, a hug is all what we need .

The video below combines the power of non-verbal (hugs) and verbal (song) communication to illustrate some important themes about human nature.

A picture containing text, blurry  Description automatically generated Watch Video

Free Hugs Campaign – Official Page (music by Sick Puppies)

Duration: 3:40 User: PeaceOnEarth123 – Added: 9/23/06

In this TEDx Talk, non-verbal communication is broken down into its basic elements.

A picture containing text  Description automatically generated Watch Video

Non-Verbal Communication | Leyla Tacconi | TEDxBritishSchoolofBrussels

Duration: 13:47 User: TEDx Talks – Added: 12/10/15

In this TEDx Talk, voice is examined as to the perception it gives others about you.

A person holding a microphone  Description automatically generated with low confidence Watch Video

Vocal Branding: How Your Voice Shapes Your Communication Image | Wendy LeBorgne | TEDxUCincinnati

Duration: 12:22 User: TEDx Talks – Added: 5/22/18



Unit 3 Discussion: Proactive Strategies in the Macroenvironment

Unit 3 Discussion: Proactive Strategies in the Macroenvironment


Volkswagen—the world’s 2nd largest automaker (Toyota is #1) with its VW, Audi, Bentley, Porsche, and Lamborghini brands—by itself plan to launch 50 EV models and achieve annual EV sales of three million units by 2025.

However, despite potential bumps in the road, Tesla continues its journey from upstart niche to full mass-market brand. It is further diversifying its vehicle portfolio with self-driving EV semi-trucks and the new Cyberstruck slated for 2021—one that promises to shatter more records for speed, acceleration, range, and coolness.

Simulated Business Scenario:

Since Tesla started selling automobiles, Zachary, Tesla’s CMO (Chief Marketing Officer) has guided the brand to go further and faster than any other vehicle startup in history. He has created the image that Tesla is to cars what Apple has long been to consumer electronics, with the same kind of innovative products and cult brand following. With an ever-changing business environment, Zachary is being asked to create a report detailing a strategy to remain agile and ahead of the competition.


· How have technology, natural, and cultural macro-environmental forces impacted Tesla?

· What can Zachary recommend in his report to adapt (a proactive approach) and hold off the competition with Tesla in the electric car market?


Readings and Resources

Readings and Resources

Articles, Websites, and Videos:

This article shows how different companies responded to backlash regarding social media influencers. It showcases different proactive and reactive measures the organization’s decision to take.

· Belinda, Kintu & Karim, Ben-Slimane (Nov 2020).  Companies responses to scandal backlash cause by social media influencers . International Journal of Market Research, Vol. 62, Issue 6 p 666-672. 7p.

The following video examines the macro-environment, which is comprised of six environmental forces. This video reviews Macro/External. This video reviews Micro/Internal. Supplemental Resources:

Please refer to this video for instructions on adding Notes to your PowerPoint.


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