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What has Mrs. Segovia accomplished by asking students to work on this portion of the lesson in pairs?

What has Mrs. Segovia accomplished by asking students to work on this portion of the lesson in pairs?

1/25/2017 PlayPosit



Name: Date:




Dulce Segovia


Middle School Spanish



1. As Mrs. Segovia reviews the warm-up assignment with her students, notice how she gives constant praise and positive reinforcement. Why do you think she is doing that? Reflect.




2. Mrs. Segovia uses reinforcement to drive home the important conjugation rule that everything must agree in gender and number. Why does she do this?




3. How did Mrs. Segovia check for understanding of the conjugation rule?




4. How would you describe this portion of the lesson? Reflect.






5. Notice how Mrs. Segovia continually provides instruction, praise and asks questions in Spanish, but not in a manner that is rigid or unyielding. Immersion, while in the classroom can be powerful, but there may be times when students need directions reiterated in English. This is especially true earlier in the year when the language is still new to them. How does this relate to non-language classes? Do you think students who are learning new vocabulary might need additional explanation to understand new words? Reflect.






6. Up until this point in the lesson, what strategies has Mrs. Segovia done to maintain engagement? We saw 5 different strategies. What did you see? Reflect.


7. In this exercise, students must apply what they have just learned about the use of “ser” and “tener” combined with prior knowledge, such as Spanish numbers and adjectives. What do you see the teacher doing during this exercise? How is she motivating the learner and refining the instruction? Reflect.






8. Watch how Mrs. Segovia guides Natalia through her answer as she struggles. What questioning strategy do you observe?





9. In what way did Mrs. Segovia provide closure for this portion of the lesson?





10. What has Mrs. Segovia accomplished by asking students to work on this portion of the lesson in pairs?






11. Effective teachers always reflect on the lesson, and lesson outcomes. Listen as the teacher reflects on this lesson, and compare it to the responses you have written on the observation worksheet. Use both the teacher’s reflections and your own observation when writing your overall observational reflection.


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