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What is modern institutional discrimination? How does it differ from traditional institutional discrimination?

What is modern institutional discrimination? How does it differ from traditional institutional discrimination?

Due Date: Sunday, Unit 3 by 11:59pm Points: 100

Overview: For written assignments one and two, students will choose from the below prompts to answer in paper form. Each prompt will correspond to one of the chapter we will be reading during the semester. You will choose one prompt for written assignmet one and another for written assignment two. Instructions: All assignments are to be submitted by 11:59 PM Eastern Standard Time on the day it is due. The grade for any assignment handed in late will be reduced 20% for the first day it is late and 20% for each day it is late thereafter (see assignment guidelines for more specific information). You will be evaluated by completing the following activities:

Students will be required to complete three written assignments during the module. The first written assignment is due in Unit 3, the second is due in Unit 5, and the third is due in Unit 7. Rubrics will be used to grade your work. Assignments should be written in the format of the most current edition of the APA manual. Each written assignment must be submitted via Blackboard and emailed copies will not be accepted. Policies in regard to turning work in late also apply to these assignments.


• Written assignment will need to be in APA style • All margins should be one-inch • Times, New Roman 12-point font • Double-Spaces • Title Page • Reference Page • Please note, the title and reference pages do not count toward you page

requirements • Written assignments should be 4-5 pages in length • You must use a total of three additional scholarly, peer-reviewed sources

Be sure to read the criteria by which your work will be evaluated before you write and again after you write. Refer to the writing rubric for more details. Below are the prompts to choose from:

SOC312 – Race and Ethnicity

Written Assignment One



1. Why is it important to look beyond the United States when analyzing dominant– minority relations? What can we learn by taking a global perspective? Besides immigration, what other effects does globalization have on American dominant– minority relations?

2. Define pluralism, and explain the ways it differs from assimilation. Why has

interest in pluralism increased? Explain the difference between and cite examples of structural and cultural pluralism and cite examples of each. Describe enclave minority groups in terms of pluralism and in terms of Gordon’s model of assimilation. How have contemporary theorists added to the concept of pluralism?

3. Explain the various causes of prejudice, including the theoretical perspectives

presented in this chapter. Explain and evaluate the research evidence that has been presented. Which theories seem most credible in terms of evidence? Why? Try to think of an incident—from your own experience, the news, or popular culture—that illustrates each theory.

4. Explain the role of prejudice and racism in the creation of minority-group status.

Do prejudice and racism help cause minority-group status, or are they caused by minority-group status? Explain.

5. What is modern institutional discrimination? How does it differ from traditional institutional discrimination? Explain the role of affirmative action in combating each.

6. Describe the differences between the southern Civil Rights Movement and the Black Power Movement. Why did these differences exist? How are the differences related to the nature of de jure versus de facto segregation? Do these movements remain relevant today? How?

7. Compare and contrast the effects of paternalism and coercive acculturation on

Native Americans after the end of the contact period with the effects on African Americans under slavery. What similarities and differences existed in the two situations? Which system was more oppressive and controlling? How? How did these different situations shape the futures of the groups?

8. Compare and contrast the protest movements of Mexican Americans, American Indians, and African Americans. What similarities and differences existed in Chicanismo, Red Power, and Black Power? How do the differences reflect the unique experiences of each group?

9. Compare and contrast the Japanese relocation camps with Indian reservations in

terms of paternalism and coerced acculturation. What impact did this experience have on the Japanese Americans economically? How were Japanese Americans compensated for their losses? Does the compensation paid to Japanese



Americans provide a precedent for similar payments (reparations) to African Americans for their losses under slavery? Why or why not?

10. Will assimilation for contemporary immigrants be segmented? After examining

the evidence and arguments presented by both sides, and using information from chapter 10 and previous chapters, which side of the debate seems more credible? Why? What are the implications of this debate? What will the United States look like in the future if assimilation is segmented? How will the future change if assimilation follows the “traditional” pathway? Which of these scenarios is more desirable for immigrant groups? For society as a whole? For various segments of U.S. society (e.g., employers, labor unions, African Americans, consumers, the college educated, the urban underclass)?

11. Compare the development of dominant–minority relations in Brazil and the

United States. What important differences and similarities can you identify? How do these differences and similarities affect contemporary relations?




Evaluation Rubric for Written Assignment 1

CRITERIA Deficient Development Needed

Proficient Exemplary

0-23 Points 24-27 Points 28-30 Points 31-33 Points Structure Organizational

structure and paragraphing have

serious and persistent errors. Directions were ignored and

information provided was insufficient to meet assignment


Written work inadequate for college-level

work; Paragraphing and transitions are inadequate; inappropriate

guidelines outlined for

paper were not met with several problems (see


Written work is clear and

adequate college- level work;

Paragraphing and transitions are

adequate; appropriate guidelines

outlined for paper were met with a

few noted problems (see


Written work is clear and excellent

college-level work;

Paragraphing and transitions

are clear and appropriate;

appropriate guidelines outlined

for paper were met (see

directions). 0-23 Points 24-27 Points 28-30 Points 31-33 Points

Mechanics Written work had serious and persistent

errors in word selection and use; sentence structure, spelling, grammar, punctuation was

inappropriate and with serious errors; APA style was completely


Written work had serious and

persistent errors in word

selection and use;

sentence structure, spelling,

grammar, punctuation was

inappropriate and with serious

errors; APA style was

completely unacceptable.

Written work was generally free of errors in word selection and use; sentence

structure, spelling,

grammar, punctuation was adequate; APA

style was acceptable with a

few errors.

Written work has no major errors

in word selection

and use; sentence structure, spelling,

grammar, punctuation was appropriate; APA

style was acceptable with no to few errors

0-23 Points 24-27 Points 28-30 Points 31-34 Points

Content Written work does not cover the assigned

topic; assertions are not supported by

evidence; paper is seriously lacking in

Written work does not do an

adequate job of covering the assigned


The length of the written work is

sufficient to cover the topic;

assertions are

The length of the written work

provides in-depth coverage of the



content and detail; scholarly journals

were not used or used properly.

assertions are weakly

supported by evidence; paper is inadequate in

meeting the page and

content area requirements;

less than 3 scholarly

journals were used.

supported by evidence; does

not meet full required number

of pages and

content areas. 3 scholarly

journals were used.

topics, assertions are

clearly supported by

evidence; Paper meets

required length of

pages and content areas; 3

or more scholarly

journals were used.


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