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What is the maximum depth you would reach if you traversed along the path shown below

What is the maximum depth you would reach if you traversed along the path shown below


Topography homework Name ___________________________ 20 points total

Instructions: Read the links in the drop box besides these are my additional suggestions:

1) Download the worksheet and keep a clean copy of the file on a safe place like your homework file. You have created it on your computer desktop.

2) Most of you do not know how to read topographic maps, if you do go ahead and get it done. But if you do not know, then read the information in the two links. You do not need to buy the book!

3) Print a copy of the worksheet and get a light brown or green coloring pencil. Locate the 0 elevation contour line and color all the area above sea level this is elevation greater than 0. Positive values indicate above sea level, negative values below sea level. So now you can see the island of Puerto Rico and the Puerto Rico Trough or Trench as well as the Hawaiian Islands. These depth values are in meters.

4) Find the highest positive values Max elevation and Max depth highest negative values found across the straight lines (vertical cross sections) across the contour lines. This thick straight line is the line of the vertical section or profile. These sections depict the variation in elevation along the line. The panels: A, B, C and D are their graphic representations.

5) To select which cross section is the right one look for the starting height or water depth at the beginning and end of the lines. Then look in between too!


1. Answer the following questions regarding Figure (1) below: a. What is the maximum depth you would reach if you traversed along the

path shown below (2 pts)? ___________________ b. What is the maximum height you would reach if you traveled along the

same path (2 pts)? ___________________ c. Between what 2 depths would you experience the greatest slope (2 pts)?

d. Choose which subpanel in Figure (2) best represents the cross-section shown below (6 pts). __________________








17 -68 -65


Figure 1 (contour lines are in meters)










000 A

4000 B

2000 2000

E 0 0 -£ -2000 a.


~ -4000 -4000

-6000 -6000

-8000 -8000

4000 C

4000 D

2000 2000

– o, ~ 0 E -£ -2000 a.


~ -4000 -4000

-6000 -6000

-8000 -8000


Figure 2

2. Answer the following questions regarding Figure(3) on the next page: a. What is the maximum depth you would reach if you traversed along the

path shown in Figure (3) (3 pts)? ___________________ b. What is the maximum height you would reach if you traveled along the

same path (3 pts)? ___________________ c. Choose which subpanel in Figure (4) best represents the cross-section

shown on Figure(3) (4 pts). __________________






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Figure 3 (contour lines are in meters)







4000 A B

2000 2000

– 0 0 E -£ -2000 a.

-2000 <ll u -4000 -4000

-6000 -6000

-8000 -8000

4000 4000 C D

2000 2000

– 0 0 E -£ -2000 a.

-2000 <ll u -4000 -4000

-6000 -6000

-8000 -8000

Figure 4



  1. Name:
  2. path shown below 2 pts:
  3. same path 2 pts:
  4. d Choose which subpanel in Figure 2 best represents the crosssection:
  5. shown below 6 pts:
  6. path shown in Figure 3 3 pts:
  7. same path 3 pts:
  8. shown on Figure3 4 pts:


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