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 What is the population you would like to address? Where will you select your sample from?

 What is the population you would like to address? Where will you select your sample from?

Task 1: Dissertation topic selection: Select any topic in Information Technology that relates to my PhD in IT. And easy one to explain

Note: Do not select topic in Machine learning and AI since they need quantitative. Select a topic that only need qualitative

Program goalis here in this pic:

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Important info:

dissertation topic will need to be approved by your professor and also the Graduate School by submitting a topic proposal.  The topic proposal is a first step of the dissertation – the topic, general reasoning behind the topic, as well as a potential thesis and thesis map for your Literature Review.  The topic proposal must clearly link to theory, identify what problem or gap in literature your proposed topic will address, and show a connection to program goals and core courses.


Program is Ph.D. Information technology

Core courses: information technology, big data analytics, Machine learning/AI, data science, cyber security, analyzing and visualizing data, emerging threats and counter attacks, data governance, enterprise risk management,


Select a topic that you should use until the end of dissertation.

Need to do end-to-end dissertation. Let me know if you can do. For now, do the TASK1 (select the topic for dissertation) to complete task1. But make sure you select the topic that you can complete whole dissertation.


To complete the task1, follow these steps below and answer them:

1. Proposed Topic

Briefly discuss a proposed topic in your discipline.

in 100 words or more




2. What methodology are you planning to use? And explain the reason





3. What is the population you would like to address? Where will you select your sample from? (100 word or less)

Note: Quantitative studies should include a sample selected from a large population across multiple schools, districts, or organizations.


4. Theoretical Background (100 words)


Notes: what theories covered in your program are associated with your topic?

You likely reviewed many theories within your discipline across your doctoral course work. Here, you will choose 1, 2, or maybe 3 theory(ies) that will serve as the lens to view your research focus.



5. Describe the connection of the topic to the program goals and courses.


Note: Program goal in this pic:

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All references should be peer reviewed and only latest from 2019 year.

You should write a good document on topic proposal along with above questions. I can submit it for topic proposal for department and above questions for my instructor.


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