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What Microsoft program is frequently used to develop pictorial representations of a database’s logical relationships? 

What Microsoft program is frequently used to develop pictorial representations of a database’s logical relationships? 

1. When developing a naming convention, what is the most important quality to keep in mind?

A. Logic

B. Consistency

C. Tradition

D. Filename length

2. What Microsoft program is frequently used to develop pictorial representations of a database’s logical relationships?

A. Excel

B. Word

C. Access


3. _refers to a set of tools for analyzing trends and patterns in business data.


B. Transaction

C. Business intelligence

D. Database management

4. What are the two main advantages to a well-designed relational database over other types?

A. Speed and data protection

B. Flexibility and data protection

C. Data integrity and speed

D. Data integrity and flexibility

5. What relationship does a data warehouse have to an organization’s data?

A. A data warehouse holds only the live version of the data.

B. A data warehouse holds all of the data.

C. A data warehouse holds only customer-related data.

D. A data warehouse holds only backup copies of the data.

6. When using a surrogate key, what form does the key most usually take?

A. Database owner name with incrementing numbers

B. Auto-incremented numbers

C. Random string of letters

D. Random characters beginning with

7. Which type of documentation should go inside your data dictionary?

A. List of software applications used

B. List of columns and data types

C. List of personnel working on the project

D. List of budget committee members

8. Which commercial RDBMS product was the first to hit the market and is the biggest?

A. Access

B. SQL Server

C. Oracle


9. After an informative session, you find yourself with several pages of notes. For maximum retention and unde notes within _ hours.

A. 8

B. 48



10. When gathering the information needed to create a database, the attributes organization needs for its activities are _ requirements.

A. data

B. general

C. access and security

D. report

11. In a relational database, entities are defined by

A. rows.

B. columns.

C. values.

D. attributes.

12. You’re mapping out the logical relations of a database, and you notice that one of your tables will have a pair of child records for every record created in the parent entity. What type of relationship do these tables have?

A. One to many

B. One-to-one

C. Many-to-many

D. Pair of one-to-many relationships

13. If a user can make modifications to database objects, what permission has that user been assigned?

A. Select

B. Create

C. Update

D. Alter

14. The basic idea for relational databases was developed by Edgar Codd, who was a researcher for what company?



C. Bell Labs

D. Siemens

15. During the information-gathering process, you want the system already in place. Which method would be best to us

A. Interviews

B. Review of business documents

C. Work shadowing

D. Questionnaires

16. Keys based on attributes that arise organically from the entity itself are referred to as what type of key?

A. Surrogate

B. Primary

C. Natural

D. Composite

17. Your project specifications call for a business rule that the database design can’t enforce. What tool should you use to enforce this busi

A. Exception

B. Weak entityty

C. Lookup entity

D. Trigger

18. Which type of entity describes a fundamental business aspect of a database?

A. Lookup

B. Domain

C. Weak

D. Linking

19. What visual practice provides more information about logical relations when creating an ERD?

A. Arrow notation

B. Referential actions

C. Crow’s feet notation

D. Color-coded boxes

20. Which type of relationship is logically supported but can’t be represented by Visio or any database modeling process

A. One-to-one

B. Many-to-many

C. Pair of one-to-many relationships

D. One-to-many

1. Which of the following functions is a scalar function?





2. What term is used to describe any action a database takes?

A. Function

B. Attribute

C. Transaction

D. Dependency a

3. Why should you perform the denormalization process on a database?

A. Increase data protection

B. Correct incorrect linkages

C. Correct attribute names

D. Improve performance

4. In testing, you find that one of the tables in your database has multiple versions of one of the columns, and updating the information requires the user to go to several different places to make sure the update completes. What process should you use to fix this kind of issue?

A. Denormalization

B. Normalization

C. Compiling

D. Insertion

5. Which operator signifies both the modulus operation and the wildcard in a WHERE clause?

A. %

0 B./

0 C.*

0 D.+

6. You’re looking for a DBMS to purchase and install for use with the database you’re designing. Because of future expansions, yi away from systems that have file size limits. Which of the following DBMSs should you likely avoid?

A. Access

B. Oracle Express


D. PostGres

7. Which SQL functional area language contains all the commands for selecting and manipulating database data?





8. Which language is used to manipulate data and data objects in a relational database?





9. You’re looking over the tables in the database you’re creating, and you another table. What type of Join are you seeing?

A. Cross join

B. Equi join

C.Outer join

D. Inner join

10. When users enter data into the database, they find they have to enter a value for every column, as the database won’t, otherwise. What type of value has been disallowed for this database?


B. Duplicate

C. Tab key

D. Null

11. What type of clause must you always use with DELETE or UPDATE to avoid Inadvertently changing data elsewhere in the data!





12. Which keyword yields the same results as using the >= and <= operators?





13. _ are rules about how to do things.

A. Logs

B. Policies

C. Procedures

D. Reports

14. When a database system requests a login

A. Mapping

B. Authorization

C. Authentication

D. Permission

15. If you remove all the repeating groups or arrays from a database, which form is the database now in? 0

A. Fourth normal

B. Second normal

C. First normal

D. Third normal

16. Of the seven types of normal forms, how many are considered the most critical for creating a working database?

A. 3




17. A role is a collection of permissions, while a schema is a collection of

A. procedures

B. objects

C. attributes

D. reports

18. Which keyword should you use to Ffrovide a substitute name for a column?





19. When checking the database, you confirm that the “Enforce Foreign Key Constraint” property is set to “Yes,” as expected. What property this constraint create for the database?

A. Referential integrity

B. Data redundancy

C. Third normal form

D. Functional dependency

20. If you wanted to assign a user the permission to create set

A. db_backupoperator

B. db_securityadmin

C. db datawriter

D.db accessadmin

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