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What time does an athlete devote to the cognitive?

What time does an athlete devote to the cognitive?

For the first CAP, we are going to set the foundation for your Critical Assignment due in week 8. Professionals in the field of Kinesiology work with a diverse population of participants ranging from athletes, clinical patients, fitness enthusiasts, etc. In order to optimize performance, it is implied that physical ability must be tended to; however, the psychological component is often overlooked. Think of an athletic program – a majority of the time is spent on the technical. What time does an athlete devote to the cognitive? Typically, little to none.

Observational experiences and research has shown us that participants in any modality of physical activity require a sound mind in order to truly achieve their goals and sustain them. Whether it be a golfer who needs a high level of focus to make a tough shot, the quarterback to critically think while 300-pound linemen are running after him, or for someone in the general population, the consistency and determination it takes to shed a few pounds and keep it off. Over the next 7 weeks we are going to be looking at how we can use psychological principles and skills to enhance someone’s performance.

This week you need to identify the population you want to study and provide a rationale for your choice. You can select an athlete from any sport or even choose an “exercise enthusiast” (general population). You must pick a population you have access to observe (pick a population you plan to work with once you graduate). Refrain from picking a professional athlete (unless you can prove to me that you have access to observing this person in both practices and competition) and refrain from using FAMILY as your population. Your rationale should be approximately 2 pages and clearly describe the sport and position of your athlete, a rough age range (ex. high school, college, amateur, ages 35-40, ages 65-70, etc.), potential environmental factors that may influence them (parents, coaches, proximity to the gym, etc.) and any other pertinent information from this weeks lecture and textbook readings. Be sure to expand upon each of these topics and again, add any additional information you deem important as to why you chose this specific population.

Keep in mind that you must incorporate the lecture, textbook, and a MINIMUM of TWO peer reviewed sources cited and referenced (by APA standards) into your writing to strengthen your thoughts. All written submissions should current APA, reflect professionalism in grammar, spelling, writing style/format (one-inch margins, double spaced, typed in 12-point font), include APA citations when appropriate, an appropriate title page, and be uploaded as .doc or .docx documents. In order to be considered for full credit you must ALWAYS include an APA formatted title page and reference page


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