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What types of situations make you feel most vulnerable to fear? How do you typically overcome those fears?

What types of situations make you feel most vulnerable to fear? How do you typically overcome those fears?

5.1 Devotion. Leader Discouragement – A Loss of Security

Getting Started

As if Nehemiah didn’t have enough adversity on his hands with the discouragement that the Jews were experiencing in rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem,  Nehemiah 4:11(new tab)  tells us that a sense of insecurity began to creep into the workers: “Our enemies said, ‘They will not know or see until we come among them, kill them, and put a stop to the work.’” Swindoll (2006) suggested that when this realization came over the workers, they fell into a deep state of discouragement. Losing one’s safety certainly can do that, can it not? Psychologists readily identify safety and security as one of the most important human needs, one that cannot be ignored. Can you recall a time when you felt unsafe or insecure? Likely, when that happened, you found it more than a little difficult to focus on the work at hand. But Swindoll (2006) reminded us that our human tendency is to seek security out of our own strength and control. Instead, God strongly desires that we trust Him and have faith in Him to provide our security.

Insecurity that leads to discouragement happens to believers and unbelievers alike. Christian leaders of all walks of life will admit to times of discouragement. As odd as it may seem, God may use times like these to serve as a catalyst for incredible achievements (Swindoll, 2006). Might you currently be standing at a crossroads in life, likely discouraged at the uncertainty of the future? Perhaps your strength has run low, and you feel anxiety about what may come next. With God’s help, press on to the other side of that discouragement and do what you know is right. God will be faithful to you when you do (Swindoll, 2006).


IWU  Spiritcare(new tab)  provides Christ-centered support, resources, and services for students who are experiencing discouragement or other difficult issues in life. Chaplains John Lee and Bob Burchell are available to offer help, hope, and healing. Don’t hesitate to reach out for help!  “You gave me life and showed me kindness, and in your providence watched over my spirit” (Job 10:12 NIV).

IWU’s  Student Services(new tab)  includes a team of qualified mental health counselors who are committed to helping students deal with a variety of stressful or emotional concerns. As needed, take advantage of these resources and opportunities, addressed in a confidential and supportive manner with counselors.

Accepting that one is experiencing challenges and seeking needed resources is not a sign of weakness. It is a sign of strength and positive self-leadership.

Upon successful completion of this assignment, you will be able to:

· Integrate biblical perspectives for promoting holistic well-being in organizational members.



1. Review the rubric to make sure you understand the criteria for earning your grade.

2. Review the information in the Getting Started section.

3. Write a half to one-page reflection paper (Word document) about how you tend to handle issues of safety and insecurities in your life. What types of situations make you feel most vulnerable to fear? How do you typically overcome those fears? Incorporate two Scripture verses or passages of your choosing that speaks to how God desires us to deal with our fears and insecurities.

4. Reflection papers are to be written in accordance with  APA Guidelines (7th ed.)(new tab)  including format guidelines. Papers must be logical, well organized, grammatically correct, and have correct spelling and sentence structure.  Write in complete paragraphs.


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