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when implementing an intervention to prevent infection at the practicum site will patients with existing infections be excluded?

when implementing an intervention to prevent infection at the practicum site will patients with existing infections be excluded?

Translational Science Model

Identify the theory or model that will serve as the framework for your project (Knowledge to Action framework). As you introduce the model/theory, identify its primary premises (include APA 7 in-text citations NO OLDER THAT 5 YEARS, when sharing content from outside sources). Cite the primary original authors of the model when introducing this in the first paragraph. In the following section (s), operationalize each of the immediate premises from your chosen translational science model as they apply specifically to your project. Doing this demonstrates you have not only identified a theory but you have also been able to conceptualize its use as your project’s framework.

*The DNP project will focus on implementing the AHA Lifestyle Guidelines (Bray & Ryan, 2020) using a Fitbit in the primary care clinic as an evidence-based intervention to prevent and reduce obesity.


Organizational Setting

This section should include a description of the setting of the project. Include the type of setting, the definition of a typical client, typical diagnoses, how many patients are seen monthly/annually, and a description of the patient care team.

* The setting will be a primary clinic, that consults adult patients.

Population Description

(This section aligns with the DNP Practicum form Population statement on p. 2)

In this section, fully elaborate upon who the population will be. Approximately how many individuals will participate? How will you recruit them, and will they be provided with Informed Consent? What are the primary characteristics they share? What inclusion and exclusion criteria will you use? Think about the variables that might affect the project outcome. Does a specific segment of the population need to be excluded? For example, when implementing an intervention to prevent infection at the practicum site, will patients with existing infections be excluded?

*The anticipated sample size is 30 clinic patients. Inclusion criteria: Over the age of 18, BMI greater than 25, with no lifting or activity restrictions Exclusion criteria: Under 18, BMI less than 25, lifting or activity restrictions.

Potential barriers include participants forgetting to input their data to the tracking app and lack of reliable mobile access. These can be mitigated with education and support and weekly reminders to participants.


References (Used before for same model, maybe useful?)

Boscart, V., Davey, M., Crutchlow, L., Heyer, M., Johnson, K., Taucar, L. S., … & Heckman, G. (2020). Effective chronic disease interventions in nursing homes: a scoping review based on the knowledge-to-action framework. Clinical gerontologist, 1-14.

Kitson, A., Brook, A., Harvey, G., Jordan, Z., Marshall, R., O’Shea, R., & Wilson, D. (2018). Using complexity and network concepts to inform healthcare knowledge translation. International Journal of Health Policy and Management7(3), 231.

Zhao, J., Li, X., Yan, L., Yu, Y., Hu, J., Li, S. A., & Chen, W. (2021). The use of theories, frameworks, or models in knowledge translation studies in healthcare settings in China: a scoping review protocol. Systematic Reviews10(1), 1-7.


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