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Which recommendations should you address to the Top Management with respect the machines park?

Which recommendations should you address to the Top Management with respect the machines park?

BCO 214 PRODUCTION MANAGEMENT Task brief & rubrics




· This is an individual task.

· The task focuses on areas studied to date, requiring you to show knowledge and application in the parts stated.

· You should upload a single, correctly formatted document which may also include any relevant tables and diagrams


1. Describe carefully all the tasks of a Production Manager

2. How do these tasks fit with the rest of the Organization?

3. How can Production Management help to reduce costs?

4. Explain what productivity means. Main factors impacting productivity




Company “Premium Paper” is located near Paris. The design and print paper for furniture applications (usually called melamine paper). Production process consists on printing raw paper. Raw paper is delivered in big rolls (700 Kgs). Production process is done in multi-stage printing machines. Each stage of the machine contains an engraved cylinder and ink. Paper runs on the different stages and the combination of all of them provides the final printed paper. Set up times in these machines are very long (3/4 hours). This means that every time the process is stopped because of any technical issue, the costs can be enormous. Premium paper has 6 printing lines (3 “Stoner” Machines , 2 “Rotomec” Machines and 1 “Grimaldi” Machine (the oldest one)

Premium Paper has a highly experienced maintenance team. Every time a machine suffers a breakdown they run and try to fix it as soon as possible. However due to some unexpected failures and lack of spare parts, “Premium Paper” is suffering very serious productivity problems.

· How should you define the maintenance process?

· Which changes should you implement in terms of maintenance?

· Which recommendations should you address to the Top Management with respect the machines park?








· Wordcount: 1.200 words (for the case)

· Cover, Table of Contents, References and Appendix are excluded from the total wordcount.

· Font: Arial 12,5 pts.

· Text alignment: Justified.

· Harvard style in-text citations and bibliography



It assesses the following learning outcomes:

· understand the production management within operation management;

· describe operations processes design and their management to contextualize and improve production performance;

· assess lay out design and evaluate facility location;

· evaluate how to elaborate a master production schedule (MRS) and material requirement planning (MRP);

· understand quality control components and measures;

· understand production in the global setting.








Marginal fail






Demonstrates exceptional knowledge and understanding of key concepts. Demonstrate good knowledge and understanding of key concepts- The report demonstrates a satisfactory level of knowledge and understanding of key concepts at this basic level. Demonstrates limited knowledge and understanding of the key concepts. Demonstrates extremely poor knowledge and lack of understanding of the key concepts.


All analytical tools studied are applied very well and highly relevant insight is drawn from them. Most analytical studied tools are applied well and relevant insight is drawn from them. Some analytical tools studied are applied well although there may be some minor misunderstandings. Some relevant insight may be drawn. Some misunderstandings may be in evidence for one or two tools. Limited insight drawn from analysis. There is almost no attempt to apply tools


There is exceptional evidence of evaluation and justification of recommendations There is some good evidence of evaluations of concepts and justification of recommendations There is some evidence of evaluation of the concepts and justification of recommendations There is little evidence of evaluation of concepts and justification of recommendations There is no virtually no evidence of evaluation of concepts and justification of recommendations


The management report is communicated extremely coherently, and referencing is accurate throughout The management report is communicated quite clearly, and referencing is fairly accurate but there are some issues in terms of spelling and structure The management report communicates the ideas in a mostly coherent way but there are some errors and some errors in referencing which are not accurate The management report is understandable but is communicated poorly and referencing is inaccurate The management report is extremely poor in terms of referencing (inaccurate or absent) and tends to be incoherent or insufficient (length) in terms of conveying ideas


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