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Why are bank reconciliations a good internal control and what kind of variances and issues can be identified from conducting them on a proper cadence?

Why are bank reconciliations a good internal control and what kind of variances and issues can be identified from conducting them on a proper cadence?

Unit 3 DB: How do you respond to literature? (ENG130 Literature & Composition)

In this unit, you have read three famous stories/poems that were written by Hemingway, Frost, and Angelou. These writers use tone to express emotion and, thus, a message. Please read the following article on tone to help strengthen your responses in this discussion board:

Initial Response: Select one of the stories/poems from this unit. In two strong paragraphs, explain how you think the tone of the story or poem influences the author’s message. Please make sure that you discuss what you consider to be the tone of your chosen story or poem as you discuss the way tone and the message of the story/poem are connected. Use some text examples to support your response. At the end of your initial post, please pose a question regarding the tone and message of the story to your classmates.

Unit 3 Discussion: Time Value of Money Internet Search (FIN201 Principles of Finance)

Search the Internet for an article related to this weeks’ topic – the time value of money.

IMPORTANT NOTE – for this discussion please do not use articles/data from Wikipedia, Investopedia, The Street, Corporate Finance Institute, The Balance or Money Matters.  Please find an article from a financial source such as Fortune, MSN, Forbes, etc.

Once you find an article that interests you, discuss what you’ve learned or what your thoughts are.  And please also post a link to the article so others can access it.

Unit 3 DB: Large Datasets Challenges (CIS250 Advanced Excel)

After reading this article: Patel, H. (2019, January 10). These are the best free open data sources anyone can use. FreeCodeCamp. and Chapter 4 of your text, please search for a free large data set and respond to the following:

Research one of the free large datasets listed in the article and provide a description of the dataset. Please discuss how the dataset can be used as well as some of the challenges in working with this dataset. Also, how do you think one can overcome these challenges?

Unit 3 DB: Bank Reconciliations (ACC215 Spreadsheet & General Ledger Software)

Why are bank reconciliations a good internal control and what kind of variances and issues can be identified from conducting them on a proper cadence?

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  6. Frоm there, the payment sectіоns wіll shоw, fоllоw the guіded payment prоcess, and yоur оrder wіll be avaіlable fоr оur wrіtіng team tо wоrk оn іt.

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Payment Prоcess

By clіckіng ‘PRОCEED TО CHECKОUT’ yоu wіll be lоgged іn tо yоur accоunt autоmatіcally where yоu can vіew yоur оrder detaіls. At the bоttоm оf yоur оrder detaіls, yоu wіll see the ‘Checkоut” buttоn and a checkоut іmage that hіghlіght pоssіble mоdes оf payment. Clіck the checkоut buttоn, and іt wіll redіrect yоu tо a PayPal page frоm where yоu can chооse yоur payment оptіоn frоm the fоllоwіng;

  1. Pay wіth my PayPal accоunt‘– select thіs оptіоn іf yоu have a PayPal accоunt.
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  3. Dо nоt fоrget tо make payment sо that the оrder can be vіsіble tо оur experts/tutоrs/wrіters.


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