Chemical Engineering Department
Assignment 2 – (15%)
Semester Spring Year 2022
Course Title Chemical Engineering Junior Seminar
Course Code CHE 300 Section F2
Student Name Student ID
Due Date Ref. to Moodle Instructor Abdullah Nasr
Forced participation of prisoners sentenced to death in conducting medical research to develop
medications or vaccines is claimed by some pharmaceutical companies (group A) to be necessary
for saving many lives. On the other hand, lot of people and human right organizations (group B)
believe that this practice is against respecting human rights and dignity. After conducting more
research about this topic, answer the following questions:
Question 1: (40 points)
a. List two relevant facts that can be used to support group (A) opinion. [20 points] b. List two relevant facts that can be used to support group (B) opinion. [20 points]
Question 2: (20 points)
a. Discuss a conceptual issue that can be used to support group (A) opinion. [10 points] b. Discuss a conceptual issue that can be used to support group (B) opinion. [10 points]
Question 3: (20 points)
a. Discuss an application issue that can be used to support group (A) opinion. [10 points] b. Discuss an application issue that can be used to support group (B) opinion. [10 points]
Question 4: (20 point)
Would you, personally, agree or disagree with the claims of those pharmaceutical companies? Justify
your answer. [20 points]